Sunday 15 April 2012

The prizes start to arrive

so let me tell you what happened in this exciting week as one part of the fund raising has started and I ran more than I have in any other week before.

Nothing really happened today apart from me sending out a lot of emails to companies asking them for their support

I ran an exciting 19 miles in a decent time with some decent hills in there. It was exciting as I ran a new never before run first 6.5 miles and I absolutely loved every bit of it as the view was amazing.

Tuesday was also exciting because I received my first donation to help me raise money for The Amber Phillpott Trust from the lovely people from HiPP. They sent a very cute soft toy, a lot of samples  (which will be raffled\sold as packs of 10), a bip, a few multi coloured spoons and a bowl.
After finishing my night and getting home I decided to go out for a slow jog across never before explored routes. I did just that, taking turns everywhere where I saw public footpath signs getting lost a few times, running through dry but boggy riverbeds and quite possibly tresspassing through some fields at times..... I decided to take it easy as my legs were tired from tuesday's run and from working all night. I loved the 10 mile run as it was a beautiful scenery and just enjoyeable as I ran carefree. #happyflo
I was at work all day so no run but a great bunch of donations arrived from Draeger. They were kind enough to send me a few 4GB usb sticks in the shape of health care professionals, Frisbees, pens, post its notes, id holders and golf ball&tee sets.
Again I was working and did not get any running in but again I got another parcel sent to me. This time 2 T-Shirt's from the lovely people from Carlsberg.
I managed to squeeze in a swift new approach to interval training by swapping the intensity and duration around a bit. That helped me to really push myself and worked me hard. I really enjoyed this session as it was very hard. (no pics just sweat)

Today I ran the first part of my 35 mile ultra marathon just in reverse and I fear the ultra might be longer than initially planned my latest estimate is 37miles...
The reverse bit was very hard as the route is a constant up and down but the net change is 200m the total elevation change was 456 metres according to runkeeper. So I am glad that Iwill  run downhill on the 14th of July. This run was also hard as The Ridgeway was blocked twice by some annoying in-considerate ravers who were part of an illegally organised rave pop up party.On the positive I met "The Joyride" team and that was a nice surprise as they are an awesome group of lads doing an amazing cycle challenge in aid of Cancer research. Great going you guys keep it up.
Whilst mentioning others please take a moment to also look up Mark Townson who went through a different journey and decided to help other people with his blog and MIND by raising as much as he can by running The London Marathon next weekend.

Anyhow that was my training week and now to some exciting fund raising news and some impressive stats.

Fundraising news:
I'm still waiting for the final registration for The Amber Phillpott Trust with the virgin giving site before I can register my support site. I will keep you posted with further details. I have been promised further gift donations from different companies and once they arrive I will obviously put pictures right here. All of these gifts will be raffled off on the day but if anything takes your fancy you can always take it off our hands beforehand in exchange for a donation to The Amber Phillpott Trust.

Stats Zone:
Runs: 4
Distance covered this week: 51.5 miles (my best week ever)
Distance covered this month: 91.65 miles

Thank you for reading my blog please feel free to comment on it and share it with your followers and friends.

If you would like to raise money for  The Amber Phillpott Trust. and other charities supported by   The Yeah Baby Concert and to see me finish my 35 mile long Ultramarathon, then please come to the YeahBaby event in Abingdon Oxfordshire on the 14.07.2012 for a  free day of music, stalls, face painting etc... and soon I will be able to create my sponsorship website so watch this space

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