Sunday 13 May 2012

BGT Britain got thankful charities

So you are back! That is great as it will help to spread the word about this great charity and about the fight against Leukaemia.
BGT Britains Got Thankful charities and fundraisers as even big bad boy Simon Cowell mentioned a charity who has contacted and touched him live on BGT and that is great as it gets people to think that if my Simon is willing to spread the word then surely more people will want to.... Thank you Simon.
Now back to training business:

Driving home from Milford on Sea and my body surprised me by how good it felt so I decided to go for a loosening jog of 3.5 miles and it ended well after a very sore and painful start as my legs wouldn't bend properly. They annoyed me a lot as I wanted them to work properly but I calmed down once they did what I wanted them to.....

I worked but this arrived in the post for me

All I can say to the team of the Berghaus company is a big fat heartfelt Thank You!

I was working again so no training for me but this arrived in the post
Thank you kind Tetley Tea Folk you guys rock too!

I had no chance to run but you have guessed it something else came through the post
This time it was the promised Allied Bakery (Kingsmill) vouchers to the Value of £5. Thank you so much that raises my heart

I went for an 4.07 mile interval training and my fast sections were remarkably constant and fast especially considering  the little sleep I had in between my 2 nights but it was great and yes something else arrived an unsuspected voucher from

Hall & Woodhouse
to the value of £30. Again Thank you so much!

I went for a nice 9.5 mile off road  run with my good friend and brother in law @timcnicholls it was one of the most enjoyable runs as I have missed running with Tim a lot. So thank you for your support.

I managed to run 5.6 miles and it was slow and painful as I did not sleep after my nights yesterday and that as well as yesterdays run caught up with me. However the sunshine and lovely scenery made me feel much better.

I did it and it was good as every mile counts.

Fundraising news: is the web address you can use to donate money towards The Amber Phillpott Trust.I have pretty much exhausted my efforts of contacting large companies and will now only contact local shops, businesses, pubs and restaurants as I have to concentrate on my training again and that is time consuming enough...
All of the gifts  received so far will either be raffled off on the day or entered in a silent auction to help raise funds for The Amber Phillpott Trust, Helen&Douglas House hospice, Oxford children's hospital and Ronald House.
Soon raffle tickets will be available to purchase and I am more than happy to take your orders once I have all the details.

Available prizes at present are:
Berghaus Rucksack
Hall&Woodhouse £30 voucher
Kingsmill £5 voucher
Teapot clock
High School Musical dance mate games (times 2)
Segais design hair cut (its gone)
Little cuddly polar bear teddy's
2 Oxford United Tickets (sorry Raffle only)
Cushion from "Spring Lark" (its gone)
RC car
Black T-Shirts from Calsberg
Baby food (bowl, spoons, sachets, cuddly toy) from Hipp
Authenticated autographs (Sting, Badly drawn boy, Michael Owen)
Open ended standard return train tickets from FGW x 2 (sorry Raffle only)
Men's hair cut
oil change
4GB USB sticks (only 2 left)
golf balls
If you are interested in a raffle ticket then please email me at

Online Total today:
£545 direct donations
£131 donated for goods received
That is brilliant but I would like to raise another £955 so please help to spread the word and donate what you can every penny helps!

Stats Zone:
Distance covered this week: 22.7 miles 
Distance covered this month: 60.6 miles

Thank you for reading my blog please feel free to comment on it and share it with your followers and friends.

If you would like to raise money for  The Amber Phillpott Trust. and other charities supported by   The Yeah Baby Concert and to see me finish my 35 mile long Ultramarathon, then please come to the YeahBaby event in Abingdon Oxfordshire on the 14.07.2012 for a  free day of music, stalls, face painting etc... and/or donate via

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Flo! I'm really pleased the cushion has gone - yay! xxx
